- 1972
Company founded by Azmy Tadros - 1970’s
Building bridges, flood control, emergency work - 1980’s
Continued flood work, Seismic retrofit of bridges throughout Northern California, light rail track work
- 1990’s
Continued seismic retrofit of bridges throughout Northern California, LA METRO Red Line track work, BART Dublin-Pleasanton and Antioch-Pittsburg expansions, bridge work

- 2000’s
Retrofit Bay Bridge (West Span), access control systems, Carquinez Bridge demo, Viaduct work, BART Aerial Structures earthquake safety

- 2010’s
Retrofit Antioch Bridge, BART Trans Bay Tube Plates, Bay Bridge Demo (East Span), M Street Bridge (Sacramento) operating ropes replacement, BART TBT Earthquake Retrofit

- 2020’s
Folsom Dam tainter gates replacement, American River Bridge deck replacement, Vincent Thomas Bridge redecking