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Now viewing articles posted in 2025.

  • California Engineering Contractors, Inc. (CEC) completed all phases of construction on the Port of Oakland's Middle Harbor Berths (55-59) upgrade proj

    March 1st, 2025

    California Engineering Contractors, Inc. (CEC) completed all phases of construction on the Port of Oakland's Middle Harbor Berths (55-59) upgrade proj

    California Engineering Contractors, Inc. (CEC) is excited to announce that it recently completed all phases of construction on the Port of Oakland's Middle Harbor Berths (55-59) upgrade project which successfully increased the mooring capacity from vessels with 18,000 containers to now being able to accommodate vessels carrying 24,000 containers (Twenty Foot Equivalents). The work on this project consisted of furnishing and installing marine bollards and fenders, including removal and disposal of existing bollards and fenders (circa 2000), installing wharf strengthening bracing beams, installing ninety-eight 200-Ton and 300-Ton bollards, and ninety-two new cone type composite fenders. CEC would like to especially thank its partners at the Port of Oakland and at Shibata Fender Team for their help in making this project such a success.

  • American River Constructors (a CEC and Granite Joint Venture) recently completed a tremie pour for scour protection of a pier in the American River

    January 13th, 2025

    American River Constructors (a CEC and Granite Joint Venture) recently completed a tremie pour for scour protection of a pier in the American River

    Very early in the morning, American River Constructors (a CEC and Granite Joint Venture) recently completed a tremie pour for scour protection of a pier in the American River. This was the final underwater concrete pour of three piers. Placing the concrete, underwater, within the cofferdam, expands the pier foundations and protects them from high water flows during flooding on the American River. As the concrete is pumped in, an equal amount of water within the cofferdam is pumped out to be stored on-site and treated before being safely disposed of. Two large concrete pumps were used; one on land, feeding a second pumper truck on the barge, allowing the continuous flow of concrete from a series of trucks at the riverbank. CEC’s scheduling expertise and extensive marine equipment and experience ensured the smooth completion of this complex operation.

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